From Sun Oct 30 20:11:28 1994 Date: Fri, 28 Oct 94 14:20:46 EST From: Newsgroups: Organization: Gary's Place BBS Subject: REAL FLAT MODE Someone here wanted to know about 32 bit real mode, well here is a post that might help you out, from FidoNet 80x86 (Assembler Programming) One you you bi-lingual-ites could help translating the spanish comments to english. Carl Frendzel preferred not used much unless ftp'n to x2ftp!. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Msg: #49 Date: 10-21-94 01:51 (Public) From: Jon Beltran de Heredia To: All Subject: Real flat mode Hello, All! As I've seen lots of misunderstanding on the deal of real flat mode, I'm posting a little piece of it. I did it several months ago... The worst things I have heard are that: '...real mode segments that begin in 64K boundaries (base=seg SHL 16)...' '...and then you switch to real mode by resetting the CPU...' (that was a 286'er, hey?) IDEAL MODEL SMALL P386 STACK DATASEG ; Tabla de descriptores LABEL DescTabl DB 8 DUP (?) ; Descriptor 0 no utilizado DW 0FFFFh ; 4 Gigabyte (64K pag) de tama$o DW 0 ; b15..0 del origen DB 0 ; b23..16 del origen DB 10010010b ; b7: presente (s! = 1) ; b65: privilege level (00) ; b4: segmento de sistema: (no=1) ; b3: no ejecutable (0) ; b2: no hacia abajo (0) ; b1: escribible (1) ; b0: acceso (no a#n) DB 11001111b ; b7: granularidad (p ginas = 1) ; b6: grande (?) (s! = 1) ; b5: (?) (0) ; b4: no utilizado (0) ; b30: 19..16 del l!mite (1111) DB 0 ; b31..24 del origen del segmento texto DB 'E s t o e s e l t e x t o ! ' SCREEN_ADDR EQU 0B8000h CODESEG gdtref DW 0Fh ; l!mite de la gdt: 2 descriptores l_ref DW OFFSET DescTabl, 0 start: mov ax,@DATA mov ds,ax ; Have to fix up the gdt reference mov eax,@DATA shl eax,4 add [DWORD PTR l_ref],eax lgdt [FWORD PTR cs:gdtref] mov eax,cr0 or al,1 mov cr0,eax jmp @@n @@n: ; YA ESTAMOS EN PMODE!!!!!!!!!!! [B mov ax,8 mov fs,ax ; Selector del segmento plano de 4 gigas mov eax,cr0 and al,0FEh mov cr0,eax ; ya estamos en rmode :_((((((((( ; PERO CON UN SEGMENTO DE 4 GIGAS!!!! mov ecx,9 ; longitud del texto en dwords mov si,OFFSET texto mov edi,SCREEN_ADDR @@l: mov eax,[si] mov [fs:edi],eax add si,4 add edi,4 loopd @@l ; Espera que se pulse una tecla mov ah,0 int 16h xor ax,ax mov fs,ax mov ax,4C00h int 21h END start For TASM. Comments in spanish, sorry... the code should be readily understandable. And by the way, this only works with the processor in real mode (with no memory manager or just poor old HIMEM). You should check that yer not in v86 just with SMSW AX//TEST AX,1//JNZ @@badluck. Don't use MOV ExX,CR0 'cos it could cause an exception (it's privileged). Cheers, :-) Jon --- FMail 0.92 * Origin: Yann/Iguana (2:343/121.8) *** Gary's Place BBS - 412 326-4039 - Internet e-mail and news ***